Is your product management organization operating at its full potential? Do product managers have the right knowledge and skills to deliver great products and solutions? Has the product development organization been set up for success?

Using experience at numerous organizations of all sizes around the world, Prickril Consulting can help you answer these questions and work with your team to radically improve the effectiveness of your product management organization. From setting a compelling product vision to delivering market-beating roadmaps, we can help you identify and optimize the processes that transform ideas into successful products. Assessments are:

  • Based on a flexible framework and can be delivered in as little as a week

  • Generate understandable, actionable results

  • Provide the basis for tracking improvements to product management effectiveness over time


Our framework generates a maturity score for your product management organization based on a score care with four key dimensions:

  1. The competency of your product managers and product owners (Are the right people on the bus?)

  2. Maturity of key product-oriented processes like backlog management, roadmapping, and strategy definition.

  3. The health of the engagement model between product management and other product-relevant functions like engineering, sales, and marketing

  4. Effectiveness of your organizational setup, including factoring of accountabilities across disciplines

Performing a PM Maturity Assessment

Assessments can be scaled up or down based on the needs of the organizations. They typically take 2-3 weeks to complete and include the following activities:

  • Product manager/owner competency self-assessment (and optional assessment by management)

  • PM Effectiveness Questionnaires completed by all relevant product disciplines

  • Detailed analysis of key product-related processes including key outputs and outcomes

  • Brief interviews with PMs, leadership, and other product functions

  • Analysis of job architecture, PM professional development plans

  • Assessment Outputs


A “final report” is created including insights, observations, and statistics regarding product management maturity. Suggestions for improvement are delivered in the form of a backlog of prioritized improvement activities. Prickril Consulting can work with organizational leadership to identify which activities are most likely to improve maturity.

Prickril Consulting can customize a Product Management Maturity Assessment for your organization and quickly put you on a path to better business results, improved morale, and a culture of continuous improvement.

Let’s talk about how an assessment can help your organization.